Friday, March 3, 2023

Back to Reality

So it is extremely weird to be back in my quiet kitchen making my oatmeal this morning.  It is quiet and and nice in this soundless room aside from the  pot on the stove starting to boil.  Gained about 4 lbs. on the trip after 28 days of eating like I was going to the electric chair.  Sun burn is fading and the bites from the no-see-ums are gone. Going to Kroger early this morning to preempt the coming snow because we are without food.  Have a doctors appointment next week to check glucose levels.  Really dreading it because of my eating habits over the last month.  I am preparing myself for the scolding.

Slept in my own bed last night which had a comfortable familiarity.  Still woke up early after about 4 hours of sleep.  Really have no complaints. 

So all the guys on this trip seemed to have beards, ball caps and tired old jeans.  I didn't want to look too out of place, hence the whiskers.  But now, I have to get back to my normal routine.  Will struggle back to Planet Fitness on Monday and try to move forward.

Have to visit Joyce to get my mail and packages this morning.  Saw some of my resident friends in the lobby as I was unloading my stuff.  it was great to see them.  Gonna get Shannon before the snow gets too bad.  It was a good respite in warmer weather but I am really glad to be home.

all for now

stay safe


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