Sunday, May 1, 2022

A rainy night

It's the aftermath of a rainy night here at the Penitentiary.   Opened up the sliding glass door to the balcony so I could feel the air and hear the birdies singing their morning songs.  I really like those sounds and associate them with calm.  

Went to a dermatologist this past week.  At 72, have never been and it was suggested that I go to get myself checked out for spots I have which turned out to be not a matter of concern. Whenever you go to a new physician for the first time actually looking for trouble you feel some apprehension.  As I am sitting there in my underwear covered by a paper gown I am listening to a lady in the next room going thru some kind of treatment speaking of her discomfort, I am ready to put my pants on and leave.  I am sweating under my gown asking myself, "what are you doing here anyway, you're not sick?" But I stay.  He shows up with a female assistant and a female training PA,(with me in my underwear) introduces himself  and looks me over finding  this little bump on my face, does a biopsy and I am out of there.

Had Shannon for an overnite Friday-Saturday.  Was nice enough to take her one a short walk around the neighborhood.  Still dealing with wheelchair issues.  The manufacturers have sought to save money by making the product less durable ie. the foot platforms break as they are unsupported plastic.  What a surprise.

Grandson Elijah has become quite a bowler.  He got a trophy recently for being 154 pins over average.  He absolutely loves the sport and Poppy is very proud of him.  The 60 year old clarinet from my 6th grade band days has now been restored and will be going to him to start on this month.  

His sister Marie was invited to play goal keeper at yesterdays game.  It was her first time stepping into the net.  Most kids are timid and afraid of the ball.  She took to it right away, no fear, and good at anticipation and good hands.  The coach was really impressed and gave her many atta-girls.  She seems to have a future in this position.

We have the littles for the next two days arriving this morning.  Hoping for decent days weather wise.  The newest business to come to our little town is a transplant from Clawson,  Flipside Records.  The are having a grand opening block party in their parking lot today and with a little weather luck, we will take the boys to check it out.  

Shannon's 34th birthday is tomorrow.  It's hard to believe.

all for now
stay safe

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