Saturday, March 26, 2022

Northern California Dreamin'

We returned last night from a wonderful trip and visit to the Golden State last week first attending the lovely wedding of Alvin and Katelyn in San Diego followed by a visit to Judy's cousins north of San Francisco in San Gregorio CA.  They live on a farm with cows up (really up) on a mountain.  We also went to the Monterrey Aquarium on the coast.  I have decided, if I had enough funds. I would live here.
The photos are 1. a sailboat off Monterrey, 2. Judy, Katey and I at the wedding, 3. Katey with Hank the farm dog, 4. cows, you know where, 5. birds taking a break on the rocks in Monterrey
After a two day eating adventure with all of Barbara's goodies, I was outside overlooking the hills in the misty morning enjoying the intense quiet. She is Judy's first cousin and they have not seen each other in about 50 years.  This is a loud place with loud people.  Katey fit right in with her boisterous personality.  Later in the week we ventured to Monterrey, this magical little town frequented by John Steinbeck.  I cannot even believe I am in someplace called Monterrey.  Being a kid in the gritty midwest dreaming of the "California Girls" The Beach Boys sang about, the waves crashing on the shores 
and the brilliant azure skies were quite foreign to me. 

Prior to the farm, was the wedding in San Diego.  We took long walks along the Boat Channel on manicured walkways seeing lots of folks with babies, dogs, little kids and many ground squirrels. Back on the farm, we went to see the cows in person.  Never been that close before, really big creatures.  The love the fresh grass and munch loudly.  Don't know why I am surprised. 

Barbara and I are both early birds up before the sun.  I relished the conversations we had each morning learning of each other's history with her fluttering around getting the foods and the settings ready for the upcoming day.  She may be the ultimate planner and never stops moving.  The pace is dizzying, intense but smiling. 

Also had the occasion to meet cousin Gail, Barbara's sister, a chipper gal with a perpetual smile on her face.  She and her gentleman friend Bill took us to the Aquarium in Monterrey.  There was a lot of loud conversation on this trip, between the cousins and Katey who joined right in. Nick and I sat in the front seats trying to speak over the din.

The road up to their dwelling is as twisty and turney as one can imagine over hill and dale with no guard rails.  Nick traversed the winding road handily without error in day or night.  I sat in the from seat thinking "Jerry, you could never do this".  Thursday night after a sumptuous meal, he said "I need you to do something with me".  It seems his pickup truck was in need of a new clutch and it was too big a job for him.  It would have to go to a company in San Carlos to have it fixed. I was assigned to follow him in the Chevy Traverse which meant I would have to navigate the mountain twists and turns.  After a restless night contemplating my demise down the side of the mountain thinking they could just leave my remains in the burnt out wreckage posting a happy photo at my memorial service.  Really why risk the lives of rescuers for a dead body?  To complete the story, the trip went off without a hitch and I took a trip on the legendary CA 101 to the destination. I felt quite accomplished.

Now, we are back awakening to snow flurries and 34 degrees.  Back to winter coats after sweatshirts.  I have to view the photos to remember the trip I just took.  Here we go again
all for now
stay safe. 

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