Saturday, March 8, 2025

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remembering the people that formed me and have been a constant thru my days.  First my parents, that truly loved me, forgave all my mistakes and missteps and applauded my achievements.  My Judy that has put up with me for nearly 50 years, still loves me despite all my faults and all my kids and grand kids that allow me a view to the future. I have great hopes for all of them but mostly for their happiness.  

I have friends that have stuck with me for decades and I have watched all of us mature and gain some insight that was lacking in the beginning.  My dear sister and I have taken slightly different paths but I consider us closer now than ever.  She has a terrific husband that loves her and his grandsons to the moon and back.  

Many of us have weathered health scares in recent times and are in a constant state of repair like vehicles that need new or refurbished parts.  And yet, we keep rolling.  With all that being said, tomorrow will be a new day.  Meals will be prepared and eaten, Kids will be fed and the  wash will get done.  It's a quiet, bright morning and I am glad to be here.

thats it

Monday, March 3, 2025

Trader Joes.

I am a big Trader Joes fan.  Even though it is not as convenient as it was when I lived in Berkley, I still frequent the market in Royal Oak.  The friendly employees that cannot do enough for you and the common sense approach to pricing are meaningful to me. They genuinely seem happy that you are there.    There are bigger stores with more variety,  but none with these same qualities.  Many of us are fond of Everything Bagels with all of the messy yet flavor able stuff on the top.  These guys have a sprinkling additive with those ingredients in their spice aisle.  If you get the chance to purchase some, do so.  It may change your taste life.  It's only about 2 bucks a container..

I was watching an awards show of some kind on my YouTube channel this morning.  Robert DeNiro was at the podium.  He opened with the comment "Fuck Trump".  It made my day.  I know he has a lot of money and kids and ex wives.  But it was his honest and unvarnished feelings.  It mirrors my feelings.

thats it. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Where do I Begin?


After the ambush of Zelenskyy yesterday on live TV by the President and his VP,  I struggle to speak without cursing loudly in my disgust of these two so called leaders.  I am ashamed of them and hate that forever honest and righteous Americans will be associated with this crude and cruel display.  

The president of Ukraine has been valiantly waging a war with Putin's' Russia for the past three years.  Remember that without provocation, their country (a sovereign nation) was invaded, bombed and attacked with missiles causing the death of citizens, young and old along with immeasurable destruction of the property and infrastructure of the country. 

This is a heroic man, that shouldn't have been defamed, derided and insulted.  He was right to walk out of the meeting.  Trump was yelling at him like he was a bad employee.  If you are a supporter of this ass hole and on my friends list, please remove me.  We have nothing in common.

Thats it

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...